
Theme Documentation - Basics

Discover what the Hugo - LoveIt theme is all about and the core-concepts behind it.

1 Requirements

Thanks to the simplicity of Hugo, Hugo is the only dependency of this theme.

Just install latest edition of  Hugo for your OS (Windows, Linux, macOS).

When you need to use Hugo extended edition?

When you want style customization, you need to use the Hugo extended edition for correct rendering.

Hugo extended edition

2 Installation

The following steps are here to help you initialize your new website. If you don’t know Hugo at all, we strongly suggest you learn more about it by following this great documentation for beginners.

2.1 Create Your Project

Hugo provides a new command to create a new website:

hugo new site my_website
cd my_website

2.2 Install the Theme

The LoveIt theme’s repository is:

You can download the release  .zip file of the theme and extract it in the themes directory.

Alternatively, clone this repository to the themes directory:

git clone themes/LoveIt

Or, create an empty git repository and make this repository a submodule of your site directory:

git init
git submodule add themes/LoveIt
LoveIt theme's compatibility
LoveIt branch or version Supported Hugo versions
master(Unstable) ≥ 0.128.0
0.3.X(Recommended) 0.128.0 - 0.145.0
0.2.X(Outdated) 0.68.0 - 0.127.0

2.3 Basic Configuration

The following is a basic configuration for the LoveIt theme:

baseURL = ""

# Change the default theme to be use when building the site with Hugo
theme = "LoveIt"

# website title
title = "My New Hugo Site"

# language code ["en", "zh-CN", "fr", "pl", ...]
languageCode = "en"
# language name ["English", "简体中文", "Français", "Polski", ...]
languageName = "English"

# Menu config
    weight = 1
    identifier = "posts"
    # you can add extra information before the name (HTML format is supported), such as icons
    pre = ""
    # you can add extra information after the name (HTML format is supported), such as icons
    post = ""
    name = "Posts"
    url = "/posts/"
    # title will be shown when you hover on this menu link
    title = ""
    weight = 2
    identifier = "tags"
    pre = ""
    post = ""
    name = "Tags"
    url = "/tags/"
    title = ""
    weight = 3
    identifier = "categories"
    pre = ""
    post = ""
    name = "Categories"
    url = "/categories/"
    title = ""

# Markup related configuration in Hugo
  # Syntax Highlighting (
    # false is a necessary configuration (
    noClasses = false
When building the website, you can set a theme by using --theme option. However, we suggest you modify the configuration file (hugo.toml) and set the theme as the default.

2.4 Create Your First Post

Here is the way to create your first post:

hugo new posts/

Feel free to edit the post file by adding some sample content and replacing the title value in the beginning of the file.

By default all posts and pages are created as a draft. If you want to render these pages, remove the property draft: true from the metadata, set the property draft: false or add -D/--buildDrafts parameter to hugo command.

2.5 Launching the Website Locally

Launch by using the following command:

hugo serve

Go to http://localhost:1313.

Basic configuration preview

When you run hugo serve, when the contents of the files change, the page automatically refreshes with the changes.

Since the theme use .Scratch in Hugo to implement some features, it is highly recommended that you add --disableFastRender parameter to hugo server command for the live preview of the page you are editing.

hugo serve --disableFastRender

2.6 Build the Website

When your site is ready to deploy, run the following command:


A public folder will be generated, containing all static content and assets for your website. It can now be deployed on any web server.

The website can be automatically published and hosted with Netlify (Read more about Automated HUGO deployments with Netlify). Alternatively, you can use AWS Amplify, Github pages, Render and more…

3 Configuration

3.1 Site Configuration

In addition to Hugo global configuration and menu configuration, LoveIt lets you define the following parameters in your site configuration (here is a hugo.toml, whose values are default).

Please open the code block below to view the complete sample configuration :

baseURL = ""

# Change the default theme to be use when building the site with Hugo
theme = "LoveIt"

# website title
title = "My New Hugo Site"

# language code ["en", "zh-CN", "fr", "pl", ...]
languageCode = "en"
# language name ["English", "简体中文", "Français", "Polski", ...]
languageName = "English"
# whether to include Chinese/Japanese/Korean
hasCJKLanguage = false

# copyright description used only for seo schema
copyright = ""

# whether to use robots.txt
enableRobotsTXT = true
# whether to use git commit log
enableGitInfo = true
# whether to use emoji code
enableEmoji = true

# ignore some build errors
ignoreErrors = ["error-remote-getjson", "error-missing-instagram-accesstoken"]

# Pagination config
  disableAliases = false
  pagerSize = 10
  path = "page"

# Menu config
    weight = 1
    identifier = "posts"
    # you can add extra information before the name (HTML format is supported), such as icons
    pre = ""
    # you can add extra information after the name (HTML format is supported), such as icons
    post = ""
    name = "Posts"
    url = "/posts/"
    # title will be shown when you hover on this menu link
    title = ""
    weight = 2
    identifier = "tags"
    pre = ""
    post = ""
    name = "Tags"
    url = "/tags/"
    title = ""
    weight = 3
    identifier = "categories"
    pre = ""
    post = ""
    name = "Categories"
    url = "/categories/"
    title = ""

  # site default theme ["auto", "light", "dark"]
  defaultTheme = "auto"
  # public git repo url only then enableGitInfo is true
  gitRepo = ""
  # LoveIt NEW | 0.1.1 which hash function used for SRI, when empty, no SRI is used
  # ["sha256", "sha384", "sha512", "md5"]
  fingerprint = ""
  # LoveIt NEW | 0.2.0 date format
  dateFormat = "2006-01-02"
  # website title for Open Graph and Twitter Cards
  title = "My cool site"
  # website description for RSS, SEO, Open Graph and Twitter Cards
  description = "This is my cool site"
  # website images for Open Graph and Twitter Cards
  images = ["/logo.png"]

# Author config
    name = "xxxx"
    email = ""
    link = ""

  # Header config
    # desktop header mode ["fixed", "normal", "auto"]
    desktopMode = "fixed"
    # mobile header mode ["fixed", "normal", "auto"]
    mobileMode = "auto"
    # LoveIt NEW | 0.2.0 Header title config
      # URL of the LOGO
      logo = ""
      # title name
      name = ""
      # you can add extra information before the name (HTML format is supported), such as icons
      pre = ""
      # you can add extra information after the name (HTML format is supported), such as icons
      post = ""
      # LoveIt NEW | 0.2.5 whether to use typeit animation for title name
      typeit = false

  # Footer config
    enable = true
    # LoveIt NEW | 0.2.0 Custom content (HTML format is supported)
    custom = ''
    # LoveIt NEW | 0.2.0 whether to show Hugo and theme info
    hugo = true
    # LoveIt NEW | 0.2.0 whether to show copyright info
    copyright = true
    # LoveIt NEW | 0.2.0 whether to show the author
    author = true
    # Site creation time
    since = 2019
    # ICP info only in China (HTML format is supported)
    icp = ""
    # license info (HTML format is supported)
    license = '<a rel="license external nofollow noopener noreffer" href="" target="_blank">CC BY-NC 4.0</a>'

  # LoveIt NEW | 0.2.0 Section (all posts) page config
    # special amount of posts in each section page
    paginate = 20
    # date format (month and day)
    dateFormat = "01-02"
    # amount of RSS pages
    rss = 10

  # LoveIt NEW | 0.2.0 List (category or tag) page config
    # special amount of posts in each list page
    paginate = 20
    # date format (month and day)
    dateFormat = "01-02"
    # amount of RSS pages
    rss = 10

  # LoveIt NEW | 0.2.0 App icon config
    # optional site title override for the app when added to an iOS home screen or Android launcher
    title = "My cool site"
    # whether to omit favicon resource links
    noFavicon = false
    # modern SVG favicon to use in place of older style .png and .ico files
    svgFavicon = ""
    # Android browser theme color
    themeColor = "#ffffff"
    # Safari mask icon color
    iconColor = "#5bbad5"
    # Windows v8-10 tile color
    tileColor = "#da532c"

  # LoveIt NEW | 0.2.0 Search config
    enable = true
    # type of search engine ["lunr", "algolia"]
    type = "lunr"
    # max index length of the chunked content
    contentLength = 4000
    # placeholder of the search bar
    placeholder = ""
    # LoveIt NEW | 0.2.1 max number of results length
    maxResultLength = 10
    # LoveIt NEW | 0.2.3 snippet length of the result
    snippetLength = 30
    # LoveIt NEW | 0.2.1 HTML tag name of the highlight part in results
    highlightTag = "em"
    # LoveIt NEW | 0.2.4 whether to use the absolute URL based on the baseURL in search index
    absoluteURL = false
      index = ""
      appID = ""
      searchKey = ""

  # Home page config
    # LoveIt NEW | 0.2.0 amount of RSS pages
    rss = 10
    # Home page profile
      enable = true
      # Gravatar Email for preferred avatar in home page
      gravatarEmail = ""
      # URL of avatar shown in home page
      avatarURL = "/images/avatar.png"
      # LoveIt CHANGED | 0.2.7 title shown in home page (HTML format is supported)
      title = ""
      # subtitle shown in home page (HTML format is supported)
      subtitle = "This is My New Hugo Site"
      # whether to use typeit animation for subtitle
      typeit = true
      # whether to show social links
      social = true
      # LoveIt NEW | 0.2.0 disclaimer (HTML format is supported)
      disclaimer = ""
    # Home page posts
      enable = true
      # special amount of posts in each home posts page
      paginate = 6
      # LoveIt DELETED | 0.2.0 replaced with hiddenFromHomePage in
      # default behavior when you don't set "hiddenFromHomePage" in front matter
      defaultHiddenFromHomePage = false

  # Social config about the author
    GitHub = "xxxx"
    Linkedin = ""
    X = "xxxx" # LoveIt NEW | 0.3.1
    Twitter = "" # LoveIt DEPRECATED | 0.3.1
    Instagram = "xxxx"
    Facebook = "xxxx"
    Telegram = "xxxx"
    Medium = ""
    Gitlab = ""
    Youtubelegacy = ""
    Youtubecustom = ""
    Youtubechannel = ""
    Tumblr = ""
    Quora = ""
    Keybase = ""
    Pinterest = ""
    Reddit = ""
    Codepen = ""
    FreeCodeCamp = ""
    Bitbucket = ""
    Stackoverflow = ""
    Weibo = ""
    Odnoklassniki = ""
    VK = ""
    Flickr = ""
    Xing = ""
    Snapchat = ""
    Soundcloud = ""
    Spotify = ""
    Bandcamp = ""
    Paypal = ""
    Fivehundredpx = ""
    Mix = ""
    Goodreads = ""
    Lastfm = ""
    Foursquare = ""
    Hackernews = ""
    Kickstarter = ""
    Patreon = ""
    Steam = ""
    Twitch = ""
    Strava = ""
    Skype = ""
    Whatsapp = ""
    Zhihu = ""
    Douban = ""
    Angellist = ""
    Slidershare = ""
    Jsfiddle = ""
    Deviantart = ""
    Behance = ""
    Dribbble = ""
    Wordpress = ""
    Vine = ""
    Googlescholar = ""
    Researchgate = ""
    Mastodon = ""
    Thingiverse = ""
    Devto = ""
    Gitea = ""
    XMPP = ""
    Matrix = ""
    Bilibili = ""
    Discord = ""
    DiscordInvite = ""
    Lichess = ""
    ORCID = ""
    Pleroma = ""
    Kaggle = ""
    MediaWiki = ""
    Plume = ""
    HackTheBox = ""
    RootMe = ""
    Malt = "" # LoveIt NEW | 0.3.0
    TikTok = "" # LoveIt NEW | 0.3.0
    TryHackMe = "" # LoveIt NEW | 0.3.0
    Codeberg = "" # LoveIt NEW | 0.3.0
    Phone = ""
    Email = ""
    RSS = true # LoveIt NEW | 0.2.0

  # LoveIt CHANGED | 0.2.0 Page global config
    # LoveIt NEW | 0.2.0 whether to hide a page from home page
    hiddenFromHomePage = false
    # LoveIt NEW | 0.2.0 whether to hide a page from search results
    hiddenFromSearch = false
    # LoveIt NEW | 0.2.0 whether to enable twemoji
    twemoji = false
    # whether to enable lightgallery
    lightgallery = false
    # LoveIt NEW | 0.2.0 whether to enable the ruby extended syntax
    ruby = true
    # LoveIt NEW | 0.2.0 whether to enable the fraction extended syntax
    fraction = true
    # LoveIt NEW | 0.2.0 whether to enable the fontawesome extended syntax
    fontawesome = true
    # whether to show link to Raw Markdown content of the content
    linkToMarkdown = true
    # LoveIt NEW | 0.2.4 whether to show the full text content in RSS
    rssFullText = false
    # LoveIt NEW | 0.2.0 Table of the contents config
      # whether to enable the table of the contents
      enable = true
      # LoveIt NEW | 0.2.9 whether to keep the static table of the contents in front of the post
      keepStatic = false
      # whether to make the table of the contents in the sidebar automatically collapsed
      auto = true
    # LoveIt CHANGED | 0.2.0 KaTeX mathematical formulas
      enable = true
      # LoveIt CHANGED | 0.2.11 default inline delimiter is $ ... $ and \( ... \)
      inlineLeftDelimiter = ""
      inlineRightDelimiter = ""
      # LoveIt CHANGED | 0.2.11 default block delimiter is $$ ... $$, \[ ... \], \begin{equation} ... \end{equation} and some other functions
      blockLeftDelimiter = ""
      blockRightDelimiter = ""
      # KaTeX extension copy_tex
      copyTex = true
      # KaTeX extension mhchem
      mhchem = true
    # LoveIt NEW | 0.2.0 Code config
      # whether to show the copy button of the code block
      copy = true
      # the maximum number of lines of displayed code by default
      maxShownLines = 50
    # LoveIt NEW | 0.2.0 Mapbox GL JS config
      # access token of Mapbox GL JS
      accessToken = ""
      # style for the light theme
      lightStyle = "mapbox://styles/mapbox/light-v10?optimize=true"
      # style for the dark theme
      darkStyle = "mapbox://styles/mapbox/dark-v10?optimize=true"
      # whether to add NavigationControl
      navigation = true
      # whether to add GeolocateControl
      geolocate = true
      # whether to add ScaleControl
      scale = true
      # whether to add FullscreenControl
      fullscreen = true
    # LoveIt CHANGED | 0.2.0 social share links in post page
      enable = true
      X = true # LoveIt NEW | 0.3.1
      Twitter = false # LoveIt DEPRECATED | 0.3.1
      Threads = true # LoveIt NEW | 0.3.1
      Facebook = true
      Linkedin = false
      Whatsapp = false
      Pinterest = false
      Tumblr = false
      HackerNews = true
      Reddit = false
      VK = false
      Buffer = false
      Xing = false
      Line = true
      Instapaper = false
      Pocket = false
      Flipboard = false
      Weibo = true
      Blogger = false
      Baidu = false
      Odnoklassniki = false
      Evernote = false
      Skype = false
      Trello = false
      Diaspora = true # LoveIt NEW | 0.3.1
      Mix = false
    # LoveIt CHANGED | 0.2.0 Comment config
      enable = false
      # Disqus comment config
        # LoveIt NEW | 0.1.1
        enable = false
        # Disqus shortname to use Disqus in posts
        shortname = ""
      # Gitalk comment config
        # LoveIt NEW | 0.1.1
        enable = false
        owner = ""
        repo = ""
        clientId = ""
        clientSecret = ""
      # Valine comment config
        enable = false
        appId = ""
        appKey = ""
        placeholder = ""
        avatar = "mp"
        meta= ""
        pageSize = 10
        # automatically adapt the current theme i18n configuration when empty
        lang = ""
        visitor = true
        recordIP = true
        highlight = true
        enableQQ = false
        serverURLs = ""
        # LoveIt NEW | 0.2.6 emoji data file name, default is "google.yml"
        # ["apple.yml", "google.yml", "facebook.yml", "twitter.yml"]
        # located in "themes/LoveIt/assets/lib/valine/emoji/" directory
        # you can store your own data files in the same path under your project:
        # "assets/lib/valine/emoji/"
        emoji = ""
      # Facebook comment config
        enable = false
        width = "100%"
        numPosts = 10
        appId = ""
        # automatically adapt the current theme i18n configuration when empty
        languageCode = ""
      # LoveIt NEW | 0.2.0 Telegram comments config
        enable = false
        siteID = ""
        limit = 5
        height = ""
        color = ""
        colorful = true
        dislikes = false
        outlined = false
      # LoveIt NEW | 0.2.0 Commento comment config
        enable = false
      # LoveIt NEW | 0.2.5 utterances comment config
        enable = false
        # owner/repo
        repo = ""
        issueTerm = "pathname"
        label = ""
        lightTheme = "github-light"
        darkTheme = "github-dark"
      # giscus comment config (
        # You can refer to the official documentation of giscus to use the following configuration.
        enable = false
        repo = ""
        repoId = ""
        category = "Announcements"
        categoryId = ""
        # automatically adapt the current theme i18n configuration when empty
        lang = ""
        mapping = "pathname"
        reactionsEnabled = "1"
        emitMetadata = "0"
        inputPosition = "bottom"
        lazyLoading = false
        lightTheme = "light"
        darkTheme = "dark"
    # LoveIt NEW | 0.2.7 Third-party library config
        # someCSS = "some.css"
        # located in "assets/"
        # Or
        # someCSS = ""
        # someJavascript = "some.js"
        # located in "assets/"
        # Or
        # someJavascript = ""
    # LoveIt CHANGED | 0.2.10 Page SEO config
      # image URL
      images = []
      # Publisher info
        name = ""
        logoUrl = ""

  # LoveIt NEW | 0.2.5 TypeIt config
    # typing speed between each step (measured in milliseconds)
    speed = 100
    # blinking speed of the cursor (measured in milliseconds)
    cursorSpeed = 1000
    # character used for the cursor (HTML format is supported)
    cursorChar = "|"
    # cursor duration after typing finishing (measured in milliseconds, "-1" means unlimited)
    duration = -1

  # Site verification code config for Google/Bing/Yandex/Pinterest/Baidu
    google = ""
    bing = ""
    yandex = ""
    pinterest = ""
    baidu = ""

  # LoveIt NEW | 0.2.10 Site SEO config
    # image URL
    image = ""
    # thumbnail URL
    thumbnailUrl = ""

  # LoveIt NEW | 0.2.0 Analytics config
    enable = false
    # Google Analytics
      id = ""
      # whether to anonymize IP
      anonymizeIP = true
    # Fathom Analytics
      id = ""
      # server url for your tracker if you're self hosting
      server = ""
    # Plausible Analytics
      dataDomain = ""
    # Yandex Metrica
      id = ""

  # LoveIt NEW | 0.2.7 Cookie consent config
    enable = true
    # text strings used for Cookie consent banner
      message = ""
      dismiss = ""
      link = ""

  # LoveIt CHANGED | 0.2.7 CDN config for third-party library files
    # CDN data file name, disabled by default
    # ["jsdelivr.yml"]
    # located in "themes/LoveIt/assets/data/cdn/" directory
    # you can store your own data files in the same path under your project:
    # "assets/data/cdn/"
    data = ""

  # LoveIt NEW | 0.2.8 Compatibility config
    # whether to use to be compatible with older browsers
    polyfill = false
    # whether to use object-fit-images to be compatible with older browsers
    objectFit = false

# Markup related config in Hugo
  # Syntax Highlighting
    codeFences = true
    guessSyntax = true
    lineNos = true
    lineNumbersInTable = true
    # false is a necessary configuration
    # (
    noClasses = false
  # Goldmark is from Hugo 0.60 the default library used for Markdown
      definitionList = true
      footnote = true
      linkify = true
      strikethrough = true
      table = true
      taskList = true
      typographer = true
      # whether to use HTML tags directly in the document
      unsafe = true
  # Table Of Contents settings
    startLevel = 2
    endLevel = 6

# Sitemap config
  changefreq = "weekly"
  filename = "sitemap.xml"
  priority = 0.5

# Permalinks config
  # posts = ":year/:month/:filename"
  posts = ":filename"

# Privacy config
  # LoveIt DELETED | 0.2.0 privacy of the Google Analytics (replaced by
    # ...
    # ...
    # ...

# Options to make output .md files
    suffixes = ["md"]

# Options to make output .md files
  mediaType = "text/plain"
  isPlainText = true
  isHTML = false

# Options to make hugo output files
  # LoveIt CHANGED | 0.2.0
  home = ["HTML", "RSS", "JSON"]
  page = ["HTML", "MarkDown"]
  section = ["HTML", "RSS"]
  taxonomy = ["HTML", "RSS"]
Note that some of these parameters are explained in details in other sections of this documentation.
Hugo environments

Default environments are development with hugo serve and production with hugo.

Due to limitations in the local development environment, the comment system, CDN and fingerprint will not be enabled in the development environment.

You could enable these features with hugo serve -e production.

Tips about CDN Configuration

LoveIt CHANGED | 0.2.7

  # CDN data file name, disabled by default
  # ["jsdelivr.yml"]
  data = ""

The default CDN data file is located in themes/LoveIt/assets/data/cdn/ directory. You can store your own data file in the same path under your project: assets/data/cdn/.

Tips about social Configuration

LoveIt NEW | 0.2.0

You can directly set your ID to get a default social link and its icon:

  Mastodon = "@xxxx"

The social link generated is

Or You can set more options through a dict:

    # weight when arranging icons (the greater the weight, the later the icon is positioned)
    weight = 0
    # your social ID
    id = "@xxxx"
    # prefix of your social link
    prefix = ""
    # content hovering on the icon
    title = "Mastodon"

The default data of all supported social links is located in themes/LoveIt/assets/data/social.yaml, which is you can refer to.

Complete configuration preview

3.2 Favicons, Browserconfig, Manifest

It is recommended to put your own favicons:

  • apple-touch-icon.png (180x180)
  • favicon-32x32.png (32x32)
  • favicon-16x16.png (16x16)
  • mstile-150x150.png (150x150)
  • android-chrome-192x192.png (192x192)
  • android-chrome-512x512.png (512x512)

into /static. They’re easily created via

Customize browserconfig.xml and site.webmanifest to set theme-color and background-color.

3.3 Style Customization

LoveIt CHANGED | 0.2.8
Hugo extended version is necessary
Since Hugo need to processes  SCSS to  CSS, Hugo extended version is necessary for the style customization.

LoveIt theme has been built to be as configurable as possible by defining custom .scss style files.

The directory including the custom .scss style files is assets/css relative to your project root directory.

In assets/css/_override.scss, you can override the variables in themes/LoveIt/assets/css/_variables.scss to customize the style.

Here is a example:

@import url(',700&display=swap&subset=latin-ext');
$code-font-family: Fira Mono, Source Code Pro, Menlo, Consolas, Monaco, monospace;

In assets/css/_custom.scss, you can add some css style code to customize the style.

4 Multilingual and i18n

LoveIt theme is fully compatible with Hugo multilingual mode, which provides in-browser language switching.

Language Switch

4.1 Compatibility

LoveIt CHANGED | 0.2.10
Language Hugo Code HTML lang Attribute Theme Docs Lunr.js Support
English en en
Simplified Chinese zh-cn zh-CN
Traditional Chinese zh-tw zh-TW
French fr fr
Polish pl pl
Portuguese (Brazil) pt-br pt-BR
Italian it it
Spanish es es
German de de
German de de
Serbian sr sr
Russian ru ru
Romanian ro ro
Vietnamese vi vi
Arabic ar ar
Catalan ca ca
Thai th th
Telugu te te
Indonesian id id
Turkish tr tr
Korean ko ko
Hindi hi hi
Dutch nl nl
Bengali hi hi

4.2 Basic Configuration

After learning how Hugo handle multilingual websites, define your languages in your site configuration.

For example with English, Chinese and French website:

# determines default content language ["en", "zh-cn", "fr", "pl", ...]
defaultContentLanguage = "en"

    weight = 1
    title = "My New Hugo Site"
    languageCode = "en"
    languageName = "English"
      weight = 1
      identifier = "posts"
      pre = ""
      post = ""
      name = "Posts"
      url = "/posts/"
      title = ""
      weight = 2
      identifier = "tags"
      pre = ""
      post = ""
      name = "Tags"
      url = "/tags/"
      title = ""
      weight = 3
      identifier = "categories"
      pre = ""
      post = ""
      name = "Categories"
      url = "/categories/"
      title = ""

    weight = 2
    title = "我的全新 Hugo 网站"
    languageCode = "zh-CN"
    languageName = "简体中文"
    hasCJKLanguage = true
      weight = 1
      identifier = "posts"
      pre = ""
      post = ""
      name = "文章"
      url = "/posts/"
      title = ""
      weight = 2
      identifier = "tags"
      pre = ""
      post = ""
      name = "标签"
      url = "/tags/"
      title = ""
      weight = 3
      identifier = "categories"
      pre = ""
      post = ""
      name = "分类"
      url = "/categories/"
      title = ""

    weight = 3
    title = "Mon nouveau site Hugo"
    languageCode = "fr"
    languageName = "Français"
      weight = 1
      identifier = "posts"
      pre = ""
      post = ""
      name = "Postes"
      url = "/posts/"
      title = ""
      weight = 2
      identifier = "tags"
      pre = ""
      post = ""
      name = "Balises"
      url = "/tags/"
      title = ""
      weight = 3
      identifier = "categories"
      name = "Catégories"
      pre = ""
      post = ""
      url = "/categories/"
      title = ""

Then, for each new page, append the language code to the file name.

Single file is split in three files:

  • in English:
  • in Chinese:
  • in French:
Be aware that only translated pages are displayed in menu. It’s not replaced with default language content.
Use Front Matter parameter to translate urls too.

4.3 Overwrite Translation Strings

Translations strings are used for common default values used in the theme. Translations are available in some languages, but you may use another language or want to override default values.

To override these values, create a new file in your local i18n folder i18n/<languageCode>.toml and inspire yourself from themes/LoveIt/i18n/en.toml.

By the way, as these translations could be used by other people, please take the time to propose a translation by  making a PR to the theme!

LoveIt NEW | 0.2.0

Based on Lunr.js or algolia, searching is supported in LoveIt theme.

5.1 Output Configuration

In order to generate index.json for searching, add JSON output file type to the home of the outputs part in your site configuration.

  home = ["HTML", "RSS", "JSON"]

5.2 Search Configuration

Based on index.json generated by Hugo, you could activate searching.

Here is the search configuration in your site configuration:

  enable = true
  # type of search engine ["lunr", "algolia"]
  type = "lunr"
  # max index length of the chunked content
  contentLength = 4000
  # placeholder of the search bar
  placeholder = ""
  # LoveIt NEW | 0.2.1 max number of results length
  maxResultLength = 10
  # LoveIt NEW | 0.2.3 snippet length of the result
  snippetLength = 30
  # LoveIt NEW | 0.2.1 HTML tag name of the highlight part in results
  highlightTag = "em"
  # LoveIt NEW | 0.2.4 whether to use the absolute URL based on the baseURL in search index
  absoluteURL = false
    index = ""
    appID = ""
    searchKey = ""
How to choose search engine?

The following is a comparison of two search engines:

  • lunr: simple, no need to synchronize index.json, no limit for contentLength, but high bandwidth and low performance (Especially for Chinese which needs a large segmentit library)
  • algolia: high performance and low bandwidth, but need to synchronize index.json and limit for contentLength

LoveIt NEW | 0.2.3 The content of the post is separated by h2 and h3 HTML tag to improve query performance and basically implement full-text search. contentLength is used to limit the max index length of the part starting with h2 and h3 HTML tag.

Tips about algolia
You need to upload index.json files to algolia to activate searching. You could upload the index.json files by browsers but a CLI tool may be better. The official Algolia CLI is a good choice. To be compatible with Hugo multilingual mode, you need to upload different index.json for each language to the different index of algolia, such as zh-cn/index.json or fr/index.json